Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Good Morning...

warm bodies in the bed..
a caress upon my head..
ringer off on the phone..
a deep passionate moan..
her nails grazing my back..
the roll over backside smack..
familiar seductive grin..
full lips exploring my skin..
hair draped across my chest..
the feel of nurturing breast..
the seductive look in her eyes..
the gyration of her thighs..
spooning where she wants to be..
her caressing every inch of me..
she has given me every clue..
baby, you've got work to do..
now that my reaction, can not be hid..
didn't lock the door, in walks a kid..


In Sickness and In Health...

It's been so long since you've been healthy,
yes it has been years...
I sit and watch you try to grin and bare it,
while you hold back the tears...
I know that you are the only one,
that is actually feeling the pain...
But in a way I feel it too,
and it is driving me insane...
I want so much to make it all better,
but there is nothing that I can do...
The Doctor's keep saying nothing is wrong,
but I can see that it's not true...
So I try my best to comfort you,
and make you smile through the pain...
But it's hard seeing you do easy things,
and you still have to strain...
You constantly talk of life insurance,
and making sure me and the girls can get by...
But the thought of never ever seeing you again in my life,
it always make me cry...
"Till death do us part",
wasn't supposed to come so early in our life...
I was supposed to grow old with you,
and die in peace, with only you as my wife...
So I am not going to give up on you,
it is not going to be this way...
We can fight what ever it is Together with God,
all we need to do is pray...
Stand and meet what ever it is head on,
don't sit and take it, or even run...
As long as we have God on our side,
His will, and only His will, will be done...
So what ever it may be,
keep fighting and you will get through...
It is not about me my love,
you have two little angels depending on you...


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