What are the odds?

To the mysterious Evonda, or whom ever is using you as a facade. This is what you want me to believe: That you start a blog (with no picture or profile information), find me after 14 years of never speaking, on the exact same week my Brother gets mad at me about my Blog, my neice sees my blog, and He makes my Nephew get rid of his blog. The odds of that happening are like 500,000 to 1, or greater. I am just going to end it with this, because I know who you are, and you have shown your true colors with your acts. Any respect I had for you is fading...
The Blog's will remain...
Your Efforts were in vain...
I have nothing here to gain...
So my comments to you I will refrain...
So stop being such a pain...
And acting like you're insane...
build a bridge and get over it...
Evonda (CBD) nice to hear from you! But no mas, have a nice life kid...
Pictured to the right - the greastest things I have... nothing else matters.