The Door is Closed...I have given up on the Human Race.... Blog Blog Blog Has left the building..

My heart has been cold, from the very start,
every since I saw my Dad, tear my Mom's apart.
I figured I'd rather be alone, cold, and guarded,
than be with someone, and end up broken hearted.
But then I told myself, find someone you can trust,
learn how to Love, because it is something that you must.
So foolishly I let my guard down, and gave it a try,
Never second guessing, or wondering why.
But now, as a result, I find myself being torn apart,
By the very people I trusted, trampling on top of my heart.
I let my guard down, and let people come inside,
and all my deepest thoughts and fears, with them I did confide.
I made myself an open door, sharing for all to see,
thinking this would help, people really understand me.
But instead of understanding, they turned and figured me weak,
and thought I'd just sit there, and keep turning the other cheek.
They analyzed my words, till they found my weakest spot,
Then they went out for blood, giving it all they've got.
Now here I sit all alone, truly dazed and confused,
Knowing I let my guard down, and unfortunately I got used.
I should have never let my guard down, and left myself exposed,
But it will never ever happen again, because that door is closed.
At this point in my life, I am tired of People... people I thought I knew, people I thought knew me, people I thought really cared for me... I have found that the more you show people your innermost thoughts, desires, and fears... the easier it is for them to get to you and subsequently, hurt you. At this point, I think it is best for me to just keep my feelings to myself. Yes, I am a very passionate person, but I am also a very strong person.. When I was the old me, I never got hurt, cause I never let anyone get close to me, and I never really cared.
So now I will end this.. no longer will I put myself out there for all to examine... The Door is Closed.
One's heart is a treasure
not to be shared with just anyone
One's heart is valuable
to open up only with that special one!
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