
Tony... you are so vain...
I grew up in the shadows, of an older brother,
some love from Dad, but most came from my Mother.
Small in stature, never really stood out in the crowd,
the only way I got attention, was to cut up and be loud.
I was a good kid, with a good disposition,
Got along with everyone, but women paid me no attention.
I wasn't Mr Popularity, or the Star Athlete,
I was rather thin, kinda short, a little under six feet.
So I took what I was given and never complained,
But I was rather amazed, with the 6 inches in height I gained.
Then I hit the gym and at first I did struggle,
But I worked out like a maniac and put on 50 pounds of muscle.
Now people pay me attention and they like what I did gain,
and after all I went through, all of a sudden I am vain?
Tony... you need all of those women to validate you...
Why would I need a woman to validate me,
I know who I am and who I want to be.
Most people get validation, we all need some,
but the validation I need, comes from my wife, daughters, and mom.
Do I love the attention, YES, cause I never forget,
back in the day, it was something I didn't get.
Now i've been in print, yes I used to be a model,
running in fancy shoes, dressed up, or holding a bottle.
Yes I look in the mirror and I love what I see,
and I could really care less, if anyone else does agree.
Okay here's the secret of what makes me, me..
It comes from my Nanny, her name Ruby Lee.
She told me, " be proud, walk tall, and stick out your chest,
you're a handsome boy, work hard and be your best.
Finish what you start and never give up and quit,
and if people don't like who you are...
Tell them Nanny said Go To Shit" ....
Tony... you're selfish... it's all about you...
I don't go to the mall or any clothing store,
Yes I need new stuff, but my girls need it more.
I make plenty of money, but I am not overcome with greed,
I never go out and buy something I really don't need.
My money is well spent and my only real vice,
is a 40 dollar gym membership, so I can look nice.
I work hard to please others, I often compromise,
I smile and speak to people I really despise.
At work I deal with jokes and comments, aimed at my race,
Yet I take it in stride, move on, with a smile on my face.
I try to help others, when theirs backs against the wall,
But people are content to sit back and watch me fall.
When my brother and his wife, decided to act a fool,
I helped raise my nephew, when I was still in school.
Then shortly after that, my mother took i'll,
I dropped out of college to take care of her, against her will.
Recently, I moved to a city, where I didn't want to be,
took a job that is great, but it doesn't really suit me.
I made this drastic change in the middle of my life,
I did this and more, in efforts to please my wife.
See, i've given my all to other's, till I had nothing left,
but yet some how, people say I am all about myself?
This last week... I have taken and taken.. so tired, I am just tired.. it is off my chest now...
Feel free to assume what you want about me... God's knows every hair on my head and most of all He knows what is in my heart....
FUBA - excuse any errors.. written in haste...
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