The grass is always greener on the other side?

The grass is always greener on the other side,
is how things may seem,
But I have found that the perfect relationship,
is simply just a dream.
Yes I saw the fence and greener grass,
but I woke up and did realize,
That if my grass doesn't seem too green,
Maybe, I might need to fertilize.
Now, don't let me confuse you,
I will attempt to get it straight,
So on the word " fertilize " ,
let me now elaborate.
Plant some seeds of love and trust,
then a few of patience and understanding,
Don't expect it to blossom over night,
so don't be too demanding.
Now cultivate with the love of God,
and make sure to keep out the weeds,
And beware of so called " dandelions ",
out there planting their evil seeds.
This isn't going to be an easy process,
It is going to take hardwork and tears of pain,
But nothing in this world ever grows,
unless there is a little rain.
A season will come, when you'll ignore your yard,
you might want to keep hanging out with the guys,
But another might find your grass pretty green,
so it is best that you sometimes compromise.
Now I leave you to go tend to your lawn,
with a step I shouldn't have to mention,
Stop roaming into other yards envious,
and pay your's a little more attention.
There is an old old song... "The Green Green Grass of Home"... And like Dorothy said... "THere's no place like home"... then again, I've heard... Home is where you make it. Make it... peaceful, make it... loving... make it memorable... make it, forever!
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