Freestyle VII: Reason for the Season

I was touched in the middle of the Night at 12:01am. I told myself I was not going to Blog or get on the internet the entire time I was out of town. But these words came to me and I could not shake them, and something said to me, " wake up and write it down ". Here is what came to me....
It was not about the SHOPPING, making sure all got a gift,
It was not about the many Holiday cards, from which you had to sift.
It was not about who was naughty or nice, throughout the year,
It was not about Santa Claus, and eight tiny reindeer.
It was not about the tree, or the house covered with lights,
It was not about the wrestless kids, and all the sleepless nights.
It was not about the mistletoe, or the burning yule log,
It was not about the carols, sung while sipping on egg nog.
It was not about the food and desserts, which bring so much joy,
It was not about the clothes, ugly ties, or not one single toy.
It was not even about family, that drove in from miles away,
It was not even about friends, who send cards only on this day.
It was about the birth, of this very special little boy,
Whom on Christmas day, with Him brought Love, Peace, and Joy.
He also brought a promise, to be with us till this world ends,
give a chance to be in His Father's Kingdom, and forgive us for our Sins.
So this day I humble myself, and not follow suit with the worldly treason,
and give Thanks to God for His Son, the true reason for the Season.
Someone asked me the other day, " are you ready for Christmas". I said, " of course, it is the same time every year, not like it is a surprise ". They asked, " did you get all the toys your kids wanted this year". To this I replied, " nope, most of the time I get them a couple of wants, then get them what they need, they appreciate it more when I have done it this way.. cause they know it came from me and not Santa Claus". They then said, " Tony why don't you make a big deal about Christmas like everyone else? " I turned to their child and asked, " who was born on Christmas? ", the child replied, " I don't know ". I then turned to them and said, " THAT'S WHY !!!!! ".
I have also been ridiculed for not letting my kids believe in Santa Claus for a long time. There are certain values I want my kids to have, I want them to know and celebrate the real reason for Christmas first, then understand it is better to give and not only be concerned with what you get. I also want them to understand that Mom and Dad worked very hard to get them what they need and want and they should appreciate whatever it is they receive. Yes, I let them believe in Santa Claus for a while, but I wanted them to know the truth from ME, we got this trust thing going.
You teach your kids about Santa, there are all of these books about him, and all of the great things he does. They know he brings gifts to the world, is a jolly old man, but they have NEVER seen him. Then after many years, when they are older, they find out from other's that Santa is fake, they come to you and you confirm it. A bond is altered and a small amount of trust is lost between you two. Then you try to teach them about Jesus, there is only ONE real book about Him, about all the miracles and works He does, that to some seem very hard to believe. He brings so many gifts to the world everyday, He smiles upon us continually, but we have NEVER seen Him. There are going to be plenty of people out there, telling your kids He is fake. They reflect back to Santa Claus..... Do you see where I am going with this?
Happy Holiday's.... Merry X-Mas... Jesus has been taken out of everything... This Too ?
Plus if you rearrange the words in Santa.. it is Satan .. and that is just too big of a coincidence to ignore... LOL.
FUBA --- I am going to bed now, it is off my heart and on your mind.
You said you wouldn't ... but you did. And how grateful we are that you did!
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