Tuesday, July 19, 2005

There is so much on my mind...
so many things that need to be said...
my mind is just flooded with emotions...
all I can see is red...

Who can I really trust...
Who can I really believe...
what are people trying to find...
what are they trying to achieve...

So many fair weather friends...
I have hanging around...
So many soon disappeared..
when things had me down...

What are you trying to show me...
what are you trying to say...
Why can't you just tell me...
why must it be this way...

Are things not what they seem...
or what am I really seeing...
I know my faith has been mis-placed...
into a human being...

There was a calling on my life...
work to be done for your throne...
now I am not sure where I am going...
and if I am going there alone...

I turned my eyes away...
and took the wrong road...
now the things that I have reaped...
are soon to be sowed...

Okay, I have tripped...
I walked and I have stumbled...
I am slowing losing everything...
on my way to being humbled...

I throw up my hands, Lord I give up...
please take me, you have won...
I bow my head, down on my knees...
I am yours... It is Done...


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