Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I lost a " Friend Today "

Procrastinate: pro-cras-ti-nate: to postpone doing something, especially as
a regular practice.

Procrastinator: pro-cras-ti-na-tor: one who procrastinates.

It is strange how the loss of a close friend can make you reflect on your
own life, how it brings into focus those things that have been out of focus
for so long. In reference to keeping touch with old friends, have we become
procrastinators? I think about how I moved to Tyler in April, but in the
time I have been here, I had yet to connect with one of my best friends in
High School Jason Hall. Why? There are no valid reasons why, I had every
resource at my disposal to get in touch with him, yet I didn’t. We are
naturally inclined to assume there will always be another day, another
chance, one more moment, but the hard truth is, there might not be. In our
day to day lives we take for granted our loves one will always be there
when we have time for them. We never imagine the last time we saw them, was
in fact, the last time we will ever see them. Think of how many people wish
they had one more opportunity to say one last thing or see that loved one,
just one more time. This is bigger than the Class of 89; this is about
those that are in our lives everyday. My daughters ask me to ride bikes or
swim all the time, sometimes I do, sometimes I say maybe tomorrow. My wife
may ask me to go out to eat, sometimes we go, and sometimes I say maybe
tomorrow. We never know if that one extra moment spent with them may impact
their lives and make memories that will last their lifetime. My point is,
so casually we assume tomorrow will always be there, when we have no
guarantees it will be. Everyone that is special to you, do not postpone
letting them know how you feel about them, speaking to them, or just
spending time with them, make it a regular practice to do it every chance
you get. When I last saw Keith, I never imagined it would be the last time
and I hope the last time I saw all of you was not the last time. It was on
my heart, now it is off, do with it what you please. But as for me, I am
going to go home, hug my family and let them know how much they mean to me.
Then I am going to make some calls to family and friends, just to talk for
a minute or two and if possible pay them a visit soon. And as for e-mails,
no more chain letters, I will do my very best to make them more personal.

To the Hailey family, I am sorry for your loss. Keith touched many lives
during his brief time on earth, trust me when I say, “He will never be
forgotten “.


At Tuesday, 19 July, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, Tony, I'm sure that you were a good friend to him. Your comments are so true, it truly does put things into perspective. I know that I take things like that for granted all the time.

At Tuesday, 19 July, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anthony and family, I am very sorry for your loss. Your words really hit home, as I have been putting off going to my grandmother's for 2 days, even though she is used to me being there almost every day and I know she misses me,I will be there tommorow. Thank you.

At Tuesday, 19 July, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear that i will keep you in my prayers.

At Saturday, 26 November, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sry to hear bout ur friend.....I lost my father on Feb 4th this year it was the hardest thing cuz he was also my best friend!!.....Your friend is at peace & wants u to keep going w. ur life & he will see u someday!!...U have a family to take care of he wants u to be there for them!!

At Sunday, 18 December, 2005, Blogger BrytEyz said...

If only I knew you then. Please know I am here now, if you need a shoulder, an ear, or anything at all. I read something you once wrote and it may have even been recently... I keep thinking about it and especially now (forgive me if I don't get it word for word) Something, Anything, Nothing... If there's ever something you need, anything at all, nothing will keep me from being there for you. (Did I get it right?)


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